
Law studies

Simon Schmitz-Berg studied Law at the University Konstanz as well as Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg with the focus on Family Law. Traineeship at High Court/Landgericht Düsseldorf. Participation in  the courses for certifification in Family Law and Labour Law.

Simon Schmitz-Berg is the son of Rechtsanwältin Schmitz-Berg, who is specialising in Family Law and of the retired Judge Schmitz-Berg of the Appellate Court Düsseldorf, who belonged to the Family Law Senate.

Memberships: Jurisprudence and Political Science Organisation/Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Vereinigung e.V.; Member of the Bar Düsseldorf; Düsseldorfer and German Lawyers Association.

Areas of Practice: Family Law

Languages: English



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